Get the top 50,000 Twitter profiles

Over the summer of 2012, Majestic carried out some research for a Forbes article. We wanted to find the top 1,000 Twitter profiles for them, based on how the web votes for those profiles in terms of links.

In the process, we ranked the top 70 MILLION Twitter profiles!

Now, the average PC would break if we give you a list of 70 million rows of data, but what we CAN do is let you check the top Twitter profiles either using Site Explorer or our Social Explorer.

Site Explorer:

You can put in any @twitterhandle in site explorer and get the

  • Link count of a profile
  • Trust Flow of a profile
  • Citation Flow of a profile
  • Referring Domain count of that profile
  • And more

Social Explorer

Social Explorer from Labs.Majestic allows you to look at the top 50,000 twitter profiles and also see topic rankings for over 800 sub-topics.

OR you can go to this URL if you have a paid account and export the top results, how much you can view will depend on your subscription.

Small print from Majestic:
Creative Commons License
The Twitter 50,000 by Majestic 12 is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at