Sometimes we use attribution-free stock photography, video or illustrations in a way where we would love to go above the terms of licence and credit the artist or photographer, but it isn’t practical to add that credit in a small image space.
Here is a list of the people and sites we’d like to thank for very generously making their work available to all.
Book mockups
We use the excellent book mockups from Mockups Design to turn our 2D book images into 3D renders.
February 2024
Pubcon Brochure Ad
Used a frame from this picture for a Pubcon Las Vegas brochure advert, by Anthony Garand on Unsplash
Used a tag in our brochure ad, by Dan Cristian Pădureț on Unsplash
March 2023
Newsletter image
Cropped a picture of a group of friends at a restaurant, by Kevin Curtis on Unsplash
October 2021
Twitter promo
Cropped a picture frame from a photo of Hell Bay Hotel, Bryher, by Annie Spratt on Unsplash
March 2021
Twitter promo
Audio for a Twitter video on importing a site map into Google Sheets used the track Jazz-Mezzo, from Unminus
May 2020
Showcase Site, Towel Day
Our Twitter promotional image used the photo Green Towel on White Wall by Giorgio Trovato on Unsplash
April 2020
Maintenance placeholder
To illustrate long-term maintenence on a subdomain, we used Building, construction, excavator, industry icon by Rudez Studio on iconfinder.
Showcase Site, Earth Day
Our Twitter promotional image used the photos, Sunset over the mountains of Skye by v2osk, and Ocean Waves by Shifaaz shamoon , both on Unsplash
Showcase Site, Drop Everything and Read
Our Twitter promotional image used the photo, Outdoor Lifestyle by Lê Tân on Unsplash
March 2020
Showcase Site, April Fools Day on the Web
Our Twitter promotional image used the photo, Two Persons Wearing Horse Heads… by Dominik Vanyi on Unsplash
Our Facebook promotional image used the photo, Dog Wearing Party Hat by Delaney Dawson on Unsplash
February 2020
Showcase Site, Denver Airport Anniversary
Our Twitter promotional image used the photo, Blue and Red Airplane on Sky by Gary Lopater on Unsplash
Showcase Site, Random Acts of Kindness
Our Twitter promotional image used the photos, Decorative Pebbles by Simon Ray on Unsplash, and Heart Bokeh by freestocks on Unsplash
Showcase Site, Great Bird Count
Our Twitter promotional image used the photos, Robin Singing for Spring by Jan Meeus on Unsplash, and Flock of Birds Flying in the Sky by Rowan Heuvel on Unsplash
January 2020
Showcase Site, Academy Awards
Our Twitter promotional image used the photo Theatre Interior by Peter Lewicki on Unsplash
Showcase Site, Sapporo Snow Festival
Our Twitter promotional image was based on the Public Domain image Disney characters snow sculpture, by jpichon_net on Flickr.
Showcase Site, National Pie Day
Our Twitter promotional image used the wonderful, Top view of fruit pies and a coffee pot, by Brooke Lark on
Showcase Site, Brontë Society
Our Twitter promotional image was a Public Domain image of Charlotte Bronte, from the British Library archive on Flickr.