Business Pages Approval Guidelines

Any submissions to are manually approved. The reviewer can reject or approve any listing for any reason, without the need for explanation. However – these are some suggested messages the reviewers might give for rejecting a submission.

How do I know when my site is reviewed?

Screenshot 2016-07-28 12.27.53If your submission is still in a queue, you will see the message on the left on your Business Pages profile page when logged into your account. Please feel free to revise and improve on your listing as much as you like. Our reviewers will only ever review you most recent submission when your listing gets to the top of the queue and revising a pending application does not put you to the back of the queue in any way.

If you listing is live, however, then any changes you make to your submission will not be visible until the new changes have been reviewed.

When your site is approved, the orange message will simply disappear.

We review listings in batches – so it could be up to two weeks before site is reviewed. If your listing takes longer to review, you may set up a support ticket.

What if I just want to reserve my URL?

If you only add your URL and no other information, we recommend reviewers send this rejection message:

Your profile URL has been reserved for you, however your submission will not be able to appear in our business pages until the profile is more complete. A bare profile is not shown as it offers a poor experience to visitors using the business pages.

This is fine if all you want to do is stop another user from jumping on your business name. You can generally leave your profile in this state, unless there is a valid request by another company claiming that they have a trademark over the profile name you have chosen.

Other Rejection Messages

Your Profile URL is not acceptable. Please choose more appropriate text here.

If we believe the profile name is name squatting or obscene or objectionable, we may ask you to choose another profile name. In addition – if you are squatting on a domain, we may change the URL to something else in the interim, to ensure that the real user can claim their URL. This message might appear AFTER a listing has previously been accepted, if we later spot the issue or if it is reported to us.

We have seen objectionable content.


Please change your uploaded image.

Usually all you need to get a profile live is a solid and accurate description. However – these pages are business pages and we do not accept text or pictures that:

  • Mimic or mock other brands or people
  • Might prove insulting to mainstream religious groups
  • Might be considered an incitement to riot or even to troll
  • Might be considered inflamatory
  • Might depict or describe indecent or sexual references

If you want to report a listing

There is a report button on every listing. This sets up a support ticket and may instigate a new review of the listing.