Using Clique Hunter on is one of the cleverest new tools for link building on the market today, but it takes a little more knowledge (in particular of Excel) to be able to really find the ideal link targets. This short but immensely valuable presentation shows you – step by step – how to turn a list of domains which MIGHT help you rank in the search engines into a well prioritized list, excluding potentially thousands of less likely sites and relegating those with the least traffic (or the least relevancy to your competitor rankings) to the bottom of the list – giving you an awesome link candidate list which, with a bit of cut and paste, can turn into a contact management spreadsheet.

Sound has not yet been added to the presentation. This will follow in due course, but in the meantime the screen shots have helpful text added.

The presentation is best viewed in full screen mode. To do this select hover over the <MORE> button and select <FULLSCREEN>.

I have found this a particularly powerful strategy and I am sure that you will as well.

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Dixon Jones
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  • Noel Tock

    Thanks for this guys, I’d especially like to see more tutorials on creatives uses of Majestic, maybe couple tips & tricks which are special to this app. Keep up the great work!

    January 28, 2011 at 9:53 pm

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