Case studies can be a great way to learn from one another and gain some insight into other office practices which do or do not work so well. Below are some theories, and feedback from Majestic partners and customers about how you can use Majestic.
Written in 2015 by Strategy Digital:
How to use the Site Explorer during initial site reviews
It’s important to know where you are before you decide where you’re going. This case study leads into the development of a digital marketing strategy based on the specific needs and aims of each client, using the Majestic Site Explorer tool to audit & research; (seriously reducing the man time spent on site analysis). |
How to use the Platinum Subscription for client reporting
There are many things you can do with access to backlink data, but something which a lot of content marketers and SEO’s struggle with can be reporting – this case study written by Strategy Digital, tackles the issue of turning SEO services into sales and looks at how you can use third-party backlink discovery services to collate and pool links, mixing in the Google Analytics API, to not only report on new links, but also provide context and find the worth to the customer from this new link. |