Although nobody in the European Union seems to be taking it too seriously, the law has recently changed regarding the use of cookies and other privacy issues. Nobody is quite sure how to abide by the law without destroying their businesses and my colleagues Brian Clifton and Vicky Brock are having great fun trying to make sense of it all. Vicky even invoked the freedom of information act to see how much traffic the information commission office lost when they implemented the full letter of the law and the drop in their traffic was around 90%.

Here at Majestic SEO we like to think that we have erred on the side of privacy far more than most. We chose an analytics system (eventually) where we were able to store what little data we kept on our own servers, instead of giving it to a third party, for example. But we also want to stay ahead of the law and do not feel that sitting around, waiting for the Information Commissioner’s Office to persuade the government to repeal the law or sue random companies is in our interests either.

So whilst we (like most other businesses) try to find a way to get through the legislation, we have made a start by amending our terms and conditions and privacy policy. Because most users need to sign in to use the full functionality of our site, it’s pretty obvious that customers will need to let us at least know whether they are logged in to be able to use many of the services that Majestic SEO provides. However – it may at some point be necessary to physically ask the question and also ask users to press a button to get permission and part of the changes are preparing us for that possible eventuality.

You can see the new terms here and the new privacy policy here. The previous version are linked from those pages for your convenience.


Dixon Jones
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