Finding journalists to act as a third party between your company and your market is becoming increasingly important as a means for exposure in a world where SEO and PR become ever more entwined. The rise of social media is certainly playing a key part in this, thus getting your brands name out there in the form of content is becoming ever more significant.

Links to your website can be built in several ways;

  • Organically
  • Asking for sites to feature you
  • Getting journalists to write about you
  • And many more…

This article is going to focus on the third option in the list above. Link builders will be the first to tell you that actively building links requires a lot of patience; many sites or journalists will ignore you, or simply say they do not want to. But persistence is key, well, persistence and providing a good reason to link to your domain is anyway. Be that through great content, a great story or simply a great offer. All of this, and more, Ken spoke about in another post upon our blog towards the back end of 2016, which you can check out here –

Once you do have journalists who are willing to sing your praises, you will want to build a lasting relationship, one which will be fruitful for all parties involved.

So, how can Majestic help you find these journalists and allow you to benefit from the relationships you have made?


The topics tab is a superb way to look at specific areas of the web and see how influential a domain is within each of these sectors. Majestic’s Topical Trust Flow provides over 800 categories and sub-categories which allow SEO professionals to look at backlinks solely from specific categories. In this particular instance we will be looking at backlinks from ‘News’ sites, since these are most likely to provide us with prospective journalists. However, as we want to find new journalists who can eventually provide us with backlinks, looking at backlinks towards our own domain would be rather unproductive. But by analysing our competitors we can start discovering journalists who are interested in writing content regarding coffee shops for example.

Running with the coffee analogy, lets say we are an independent coffee shop based in the West Midlands and we wish to start developing a link building strategy to boost our online profile.  One way in which we plan on doing so would be by being featured by a local paper, preferably upon their website via a backlink. This can be easily done by taking a rival coffee shop and doing some analysis within Site Explorer. Once plugging in a competitor’s domain, switch over to the Topics tab and search for “News”.


By looking at backlinks coming from the ‘News’ category, we can almost immediately pull up a list of articles, from these we can swiftly find journalists who have previously written about coffee houses within Birmingham. After analysing several competitors you can find a comprehensive list of journalists to contact, you may find some vital blogs/discussion boards which could be vital sources of some new backlinks also.



    Bonjour ! Article très intéressant, c’est un bon conseil, à essayer avec persévérance. Merci beaucoup. Bonne journée. Have a nice day ! Serge-Jérôme Laverny

    April 11, 2017 at 10:51 am

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