You asked and we delivered…
In January we launched our Best New Backlinks email alerts for subscribers, where we use our industry-standard Flow Metrics to filter and email to you your best new backlinks for up to ten domains of your choice. Very quickly afterwards, we brought in the ability to suppress domains and subdomains that are uninteresting to you.
We’ve been absolutely delighted with the response. Feedback has been brilliant, and we’re sending out more and more emails as the weeks go by.
We didn’t plan on updating alerts so soon, but one piece of feedback has stood out, and that’s that you may not know which domains you want to suppress. There are obviously many ways that we can tackle this, but we’ve identified that a quick win will be to give you an option to automatically suppress any link that has a NoFollow tag.
From today you can block NoFollows from your email alerts. It’s really easy, just tick the box under your suppression list. That’s it, we’ll do the rest.
As with manually suppressed domains, we’ll tell you at the bottom of your email exactly which domains we’ve suppressed. That way, you can see that your filters are working, and maybe, just maybe, there’s a link in that pile that you’d actually like to take a look at. Very occasionally you may notice that a site appears in both your alerts, and the Suppressed Domains list… nothing’s gone wrong, it’s just that not every new link from that domain had a NoFollow tag.
Here’s a snippet of automatically suppressed links for, the subdomains with the best Trust Flow are shown first.
Thanks for all of your feedback and support with alerts. It’s a work in progress for us, so please, please shout or comment if there are any features that we can add that will make your life and workflows easier.
Now, if you haven’t set up your email alerts, what are you waiting for? They’re on your dashboard.
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