Keyword Generator results table

Your new Keyword Research Tool, from Majestic

We know; when you’re looking for keywords, you’re probably not going to think of Majestic. And that’s okay. We choose to focus on backlinks to make sure we are not reliant on third party data. By doing so, we keep our costs down. In this way, we can continue to offer the best value plans for the needs of our core customers.

At the tail end of last year, we created an in-house Keyword Generator. This is something to help with our own SEO efforts. We enjoyed the results so much that we’ve decided to release it for all of our existing subscribers.

Keyword Generator is available to you today.

To use it, you give us a seed site and we return the most used phrases and keywords relating to that domain.  If you want a larger and more rounded report that looks at an industry’s rather than a single company’s words and phrases, you may choose to add up to four domains from our list of Related Sites.

Once you have your collection of carefully curated keywords, you can focus on your favourites, highlighting up to two hundred variants of each individual phrase.

It’s incredibly easy to create keyword lists. Let’s see this new tool in action.

Note, our data scientists would undoubtedly prefer that we call this an, ‘N-Gram List Generator Tool’. But, we’re going to stick with “Keyword Generator“ for simplicity.


Keyword Generator -  The Majestic Keyword Research Tool
Keyword Generator – The Majestic Keyword Research Tool

Now, you should choose a seed website for your keywords.  For instance, if you are looking for video game keywords, you may want to choose

Find keywords for a website on video games
Finding keywords for a website on video games

Of course, you can jump straight ahead and press the big [GET KEYWORDS] button right now. That will deliver a list that’s full of Playstation-specific on-brand terms. If you would like a list of more industry specific keywords for video games, you should add some of our automatically-generated Related Sites.

Keyword Generator by Majestic: Add Related Sites
Keyword Generator by Majestic: Add Related Sites

Now you can press the orange [GET KEYWORDS] button.

This button starts a huge volume of calculations as we mine keywords from our database. For many reports, this process will happen in just a few seconds. If you have chosen a group of large websites, collecting the keywords together may take a little longer.

You may have to wait for your keyword list to generate
Our request is being processed…

And here are your results. 

Generating keywords with Majestic
Generating keywords with Majestic

Let’s go through how we compile your list, what your results mean, and how you can use all of this to find great keywords.

A Keyword Corpus

To power your results, we first create a dynamic corpus from the words and phrases that we find in our Link Context data. This is a massive database containing almost every word and phrase that surrounds our most trusted crawled web links.

Frequency – The first stage of collecting your keyword results is to count the number of times a keyword (or keyphrase) appears in the corpus you just generated for your seed set. This number is your Frequency score. By default, you will see the highest-frequency results at the top of your list.

The frequency of keywords. Xbox Live has most with 514
Keyword Research with the Majestic Keyword Generator

Keyword Difficulty – This is a logarithmic-like score from 0-100 that shows how often a keyword or phrase appears across a significant sample of our entire core Fresh Index link data. It focuses on domain names, anchor texts, titles and URLs.

An image showing Keyword Difficulty output.  Xbox Live has a keyword difficulty of 58, Stem Store has a difficulty of 35.
Evaluation of the Keyword Difficulty

Unlike Frequency, Keyword Difficulty is a consistent score across all of your different reports (that were created during the same Fresh Index build). Difficulty does not depend on the seed sites that you initially chose for your report.

Search Volume – We have had this score on Majestic for a long time, hidden away in our old Keyword Checker tool. This is a score from 0-100 that shows the estimated volume of Search Engine queries for this phrase.

Keywords by Search Volume - has the higest volume of 73
Keywords by Search Volume, calculated by Keyword Generator

Your Results, TL/DR Version

Search Volume is how Search Engines see your keyword.

Keyword Difficulty is how often the entire Majestic index sees your keyword.

Frequency is how often the term appears near to your seed websites.

Finding the Gold

Once you have your keyword lists, how do you convert them into actions?

With the Keyword Generator, it is incredibly easy to sort and filter each column.  Perhaps you would like to focus on certain similar keywords, or look for pairings of higher search volume combined with lower difficulty.

Filtered Keywords

Here’s the result of some filters where I search our video games list for instances of, ‘mario,’ where Search Volume is more than 50 and Keyword Difficulty is less than 50.

This search will let you focus on which keywords have a higher search volume, but may not be as difficult to rank.

Filtering Keywords by Search Volume and Keyword Difficulty
Filtering Keywords by Search Volume and Keyword Difficulty

Sorting Keywords

Alternatively, I can combine a filter to only look for higher Search Volume (greater than 40) terms with a sort to see all Keyword Difficulty in ascending order.

Keywords organised by Search Volume and increasing Keyword Difficulty
Keywords organised by Search Volume and increasing Keyword Difficulty

Top Tip: Keyword Difficulty vs Frequency

If you search for a single site and find that a keyword has a HIGH Frequency and LOW Keyword Difficulty, it is likely that the site may rank well for searches with that term. A very interesting project would be to compare your own results with keyword lists for your competitor websites. You may find some great insights when you see who is nearest and farthest from your most important keywords.

Results as CSV

There’s so much you can do with our filtering potions, but you do not have to use Majestic to sort and filter your results. The Export Data button above each table will let you download raw or filtered data in a CSV format and get those keywords into your existing workflow.

Expanding Your Favourite Results

Once you have found some potential keywords, it’s time to drill into them and discover even more phrases.

If you click on any keyword in your table, you will get a selection of semantically similar keywords and phrases. This incredible list is in plain text, ready to copy and paste into the next step of your personal workflow. 

A listi of semantically similar keywords and phrases created by Keyword Generator
Semantically similar keywords and phrases by Keyword Generator

Alternatively, if you would like a heads-up on what may be the best of the generated phrases, you can press the Check Keywords button to send the new list to our legacy Keyword Checker tool. Then you’ll find out just how often the phrases appear throughout our Fresh Index.

Generating keyword lists with Majestic really is that easy… just type in a seed website, add some related sites with a few clicks, and press a button.  Then sort, filter, and drill into your favourites.


Keyword Generator is available to everyone who has a Majestic subscription, even on our entry-level plans.  And to help you check your final list of keywords, we’ve moved the existing Keyword Checker tool from our Pro subscription to our Lite plan, giving many of our customers TWO new tools to use while hunting keywords.


This is our first step into the world of grown-up keyword analysis, and we may tweak our algorithms over time to try to deliver the very best data for your searches. One main limitation is that we don’t do well for very small seed sites, and would always recommend adding in at least one Related Site to your initial search.

Each list you generate will use one of your Report Units, these units are shared between our advanced and standard reports, and campaign items. The exact number of report units you have each month is linked to your plan level and may be found on your My Subscription page.

Over to You

Thanks for getting to the bottom of the article.

If you’re a subscriber, you can give Keyword Generator a try right now.

We have a long wish-list of where we’d like to take the tool, and how we incorporate it into Site Explorer in future. If you can see a clear opportunity with a slight tweak to the work we’ve done so far we welcome all constructive feedback. Our support team woud love to hear from you.


  • Chuck

    hey, great looking tool – thanks for making it. Looks interesting – will check it out.

    April 28, 2020 at 2:46 pm
  • Viktor


    and where exactly do you get your data from? Do you use google keyword planner to grab the information? If so, the google planner is very low in getting keywords + determine the keyword difficulty.

    April 29, 2020 at 8:36 am
    • Steve Pitchford

      Hi Viktor,

      Many thanks for the question. We were startled by the quality of results when developing the tool – so I can appreciate that it seems natural to assume the source must be an existing tool.

      However – the developers behind the project assure me that this is Artificial Intelligence Natural Language Processing applied to the huge amount of data we gather as a part of Link Context.

      The difficulty score is based on a number of different datapoints caluclated as a part of the web crawl we use to gather data for our backlinks index. The Majestic Keyword Difficulty score is intended to be indicative of the volume of web pages out there with these terms in there. A high score suggests lots of competing content with significant keyword presence in places like the title tag.

      Hope this helps – anyother questions, please let us know!

      April 30, 2020 at 8:05 pm
  • cedric stephane


    May 22, 2020 at 9:23 am
  • Fahad

    Thanks for this Tool

    May 24, 2020 at 6:24 pm

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