25th January to 31st January 2017
The AMF has been busy printing our vision of the Internet from the International Space Station and the print is now complete! Images of the print have already been returned to earth!
24th March: Space and the Internet. Majestic’s Human Connection.
Sante Achille, Our Italian Ambassador used to work at the European Space Agency. He has written a moving piece about how Space has come back to his world after 21 years on the Internet. It also has an image of a book entitled “The Whole Internet”.
23rd March: UK-based Search Engine Will Turn Big Data into Art in Zero Gravity Two Hundred and Fifty Miles Above the Earth
Majestic.com is “over the moon” to announce they have partnered with Made In Space, the world’s first space manufacturing company, to create history high above the earth.
Find out more on the Blog
In the next few weeks, the company is scheduled to print a “Majestic Landscape” – a 3D data visualisation – depicting “The Internet” in its entirety on a 3D printer designed by MIS to work in zero gravity on the International Space Station.
The 3D printer (the tech term is Additive Manufacturing Facility to those in-the-know) began its journey to the ISS on the Atlas V rocket last night which took off from the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida, USA.
Dixon Jones of Majestic Explains:
“Space has a huge symbolic significance for our team at Majestic. Like the Internet, space is vast – possibly infinite. Like the Internet, we are able to see and experience some of space, but much of it awaits to be discovered. This #MajesticInSpace project puts into perspective, not just the huge potential for Majestic to help businesses understand how to be more successful online, but sets in motion that idea that space is far from the final frontier of human and business potential.”
22nd March: Just a few Hours to Liftoff… Come back at dawn!
In just a few hours, something special will happen at Majestic.
Until it does, we are waiting in anticipation. We have to get this page ready for when you wake up, so please excuse the work in progress. The Joys of WordPress… but this will not be your usual linkbait. Until then, to the side is an AWESOME video, courtesy of the American Museum of Natural History, which zoom out from Earth. It really is a site to behold and well worth putting some headphones on if you want a few minutes of a real “out of this world” experience.
Have you ever wondered what the Internet looks like from Space? At Majestic we mapped all of the web servers on the internet and plotted them on a latitude/longitude chart. Turns out the map looks much like the world from space! When you wake up, these images will link to our press release. If you would like to try and work it out, how about looking up what might happen at between 3:05 and 3:35 AM UK time? You might need to initially work out what is happening in a different timezone around then. Good Luck. Sorry I will be asleep. I almost considered getting a press pass to the US for this. In the meantime…
The Internet in 3DSpace – like the Internet – is a voyage of discovery, from science fiction to space tourism. Majestic wants to show people how its understanding of the Internet can help people understand everything, from business to … space. Over the coming weeks and months, #MajesticInSpace will develop into a voyage of learning about space. We will link to your stories, your insights. Maybe you would like to compare Twitter profiles of Astronauts? Or even analyzing commercial flight sites? It might be an interesting statistic… like this one:

How to Win a Majestic Landscape
So help us show the world that Majestic is more than a list of links. Show people something that ties space and Majestic (or at least the Internet) into one place and win a Majestic Landscape of your website. A unique piece of data art that will sit proudly on your desk.
You can either give us a link to someone else’s awesome content, or write, draw, play, paint or produce your own. Send your entries to: support@majestic.com with “Space” in the title, for it to be considered.
What You Might Win
In 2015 we commissioned world renowned data artist, Brendan Dawes, to come up with a new way to visualize what Majestic does. He created a program that turned link profiles into 3D art. Every website produces a slightly different model and even if you print out a website today, the model could change over time. When we launched this, it was around the same time as the Philae mission landed on a Comet and sent pictures like this. So we printed out an especially eerie profile of the artist’s own website. The picture below explains everything about Majestic landscapes.
Not all 3D images are quite so translucent – but if you would like your own, please enter the competition and help a huge bunch of people learn things about space and the Internet that they never even dreamed about.
Join us on our voyage by getting involved on our social channels by following us on Twitter, engaging with the hashtag #MajesticInSpace and liking us on Facebook.