Site Explorer in Facebook

Today we are announcing a new Facebook App which lets you start your Majestic SEO journey directly from our Facebook page.

The new functionality embeds a special version of our Site Explorer toolbar into Facebook, so that you can type in your search directly from there instead of having to find Majestic SEO’s web page. When you hit the search bar, the results open up in a new window.

Given the complexity of some of our developments recently (Chrome extension on the weekend), this may seem trivial, but sometimes the trivial things are important. We are increasingly seeing users come to our Facebook page and because Facebook only allows iFrame integrations which are a certain width, a “standard” integration caused our page to need sideways scrolling to be used in Facebook. We felt we could do better with a simple dedicated Facebook start page, which then broke the user out of the iFrame to continue their Majestic journey.

In addition, below the Site Explorer search box, we had some space left to play with, so we have also made it easy for our Facebook users to get directly to six of our more popular tools. Again – nothing that will rock the world of non-Facebook users, but increasingly users are forgetting that there is a web outside Facebook, so letting users interact from where they feel most comfortable is a sensible experience.

Other cool Facebook stuff while we are here…

We also have some other quite cool stuff going on at Facebook. Right now – if you have not “liked” out page yet – maybe a T-shirt competition will tempt you? You can also see the news feed from our blog directly within Facebook and we chose Facebook to launch our promotional video which we would love people to share if they like the look of our little (six legged?) spiders.

Dixon Jones
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  • adipa

    Great new FB app! nice toolbar, the direct search inside to find a page majestic seo… thanks.

    December 17, 2012 at 3:16 pm
  • SEO.Freak

    Does it also include Backlings from Facebook to other sites ? This would be very interesting for marketing stuff et cetera.

    December 17, 2012 at 9:49 pm
    • Dixon Jones

      We only crawl Facebook as a non-registered user, and we obey Robots.txt. This means that we generally do not have links from one individual to another within Facebook. These are transient and not visible to most people. If Facebook gave better SLA agreements in their APIs, then a business model could be built analysing this data – but we can only realistically use data that we can trust to stay stable.

      December 18, 2012 at 11:12 am
  • volumium seo

    Great! i’ll try it soon!

    December 18, 2012 at 6:16 am
  • Do dong

    in vietnam facebook blocked by the network provider: ((.

    January 17, 2013 at 6:31 am

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