As we prepare for our migration from MajesticSEO to just Majestic, we have changed our twitter handle to @tryMajestic.

@tryMajestic (Click to tell people)

Does that mean I need to unfollow MajesticSEO?

No! We have migrated all of our followers directly over to the new handle. If you followed MajesticSEO before, you are already following @tryMajestic. We have a holding page for anyone still mentioning @MajesticSEO, but don’t follow it… it is unlikely to ever tweet again.

How did you do that?

1: Create a profile with the new handle. This means you can lock in the new handle and have time to make your plans.

2: Briefly change the new handle to something weird, releasing the new handle temporarily.

3: Change the OLD handle to the new handle. This transfers all your followers to the new handle.

4: Change the now weird handle to the old handle. This protects from people hijacking your old handle.


Dixon Jones
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