Link building in competitive markets can sometimes be quite complicated; especially when it comes to an affiliate website. Building links can be quite a tough job because you refer to commercial parties and the earnings model is almost immediately clear.

Make content a big part of your strategy

If you don’t have good content, it’s difficult to score good links. Would you link to a commercial website with only affiliate links as a webmaster?

The chance is small.

When you choose a niche with your affiliate website, it’s nice if you already have good content about the subject. This gives your site more leverage and increases the likelihood of a link. You want it to be informative in order to get attraction with other webmasters, who then proceed to posting a link. In addition to good content, it is advisable to cloak your affiliate links.

Cloaking of affiliate links

It is unappealing for visitors to see an affiliate link the moment they hover over a button or link. Therefore, cloaking can be an effective solution for being less commercial.

For exampe, from an affiliate link like ‘’,  you create a link that fits your website, such as

The good thing about cloaking is that you can keep track of how often a link is clicked. This can also be seen in the affiliate network, but it is never wrong to keep track of your links on your own. To instantly see how many clicks and leads your site generates, you can use a service such as

Content: See what works

There are several ways to see which content might be interesting to write about. It is of course important that you know what people are looking for. For this, various (free) keyword resources are available.

It’s also a great option to use the Majestic Search Explorer. This not only shows which pages are most important, but also tells you why. This information can be used to create your content.

Additionally, you can use as a source of inspiration. Enter an important search term, then scroll down and you’ll see a search-related component relevant to your site.

Do you have a website that does not focus on a specific niche?

Then the Majestic topics tool is a great suggestion! Here you can enter the URL of a competing site to see which topics provide the best links.

Ways to build links

There are several ways to start your link building campaign

with the current state of the website or link profile. Later in this article, we discuss the generation of new links.

Clique hunter

Clique Hunter is a tool only available using Majestic. It allows you to see which links your competitors have, that you don’t. The tool also allows you to see mutual referring domains and assess and visualise link similarities with your competitors.

Contact the companies you promote

These companies benefit from a good promotion on your website. You can use this angle to get links. For example, you can promise a better position on the site in exchange for a link. Or write a good review if you can link to it.

Link Pages

One way to generate links is to look at pages that are already referred to other websites. You can do this by filling in Google next to the search term “inurl: left”.

In the media pages

Many companies have an “in the media” page or a page displaying what the company has achieved. You can use this by writing an interesting article, holding an interview or making a video about the company. This way, you give companies a good reason to include a link to your affiliate site on the “in the media” page.

Specific targets

Outside the box thinking is very important when it comes to links. For instasnce, you can create content that car owners are interested in which refers to car insurance.

For example, you create a page that is particularly interesting for garage companies on your affiliate website about car insurance. You define by insurer how visitors can report their damage. It is interesting for garage companies to refer to this because it is a step that is essential before the car arrives at a garage.

Long term relationships

Building relationships is probably the most important thing. Affiliate websites have a huge dependence on how much others want you to succeed. This is certainly the case when there are multiple affiliate sites that compete directly with you. When you have a good relationship with an advertiser, the likelihood of link placement is significantly greater.

Floris van Vredendaal
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  • john

    This is certainly the case when there are multiple affiliate sites that compete directly with you. When you have a good relationship with an advertiser, the likelihood of link placement is significantly greater. [EDIT: LINK REMOVED]

    October 17, 2017 at 3:46 pm
  • huyle

    thanks a lot, article great.

    October 17, 2017 at 3:47 pm
  • mynghecaocap

    This is greate article! Thanks for your traning! I was used to check [EDIT: LINK REMOVED] and I got many good backlink from here

    October 21, 2017 at 7:11 am

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