When I set up as a digital PR consultant after leaving Microsoft this summer, I was convinced I was heading in a niche direction. I’d worked with “traditional” PR agencies and in-house teams for many years and helped a few understand digital and how it could open up new possibilities and create new paradigms in their quest to get their client’s message across via mass media.

What I’ve been learning since I set up shop, is that there is still much education to be had in what are being called inbound tactics. There is this belief among many PR professionals that the whole “digital thing” is a little complicated and time-sucking (not all, not most, but certainly too many). They don’t have the time or the training to optimize press release titles so they are SEO friendly and have a compelling call to action if they find their way onto Facebook or Twitter. They don’t seem to measure or care that, although their client’s byline article got successfully delivered on Mashable, all the comments below are trending in a negative direction and is actually damaging their client’s brand. And they don’t realise that they now have a “magnificent opportunity” to measure more and report in more detail on exactly how far the message travelled and what the reaction to it was.

Some though are grasping the notion that Big Data can be applicable to them as I discovered at a PR Week US Virtual Event I spoke on a few weeks ago.

During the session we discussed what metrics are important and how to wade through them all to get to numbers that help improve the bottom line. We talked about how to integrate inbound tactics into your marketing and PR efforts so they give your campaigns more enduring capital. And we discussed what tools we knew of that could help create successful PR efforts.

I talked about Majestic and here’s why:

We all know it’s a great tool for link building, but it’s also a great tool for influencer discovery and perfect for the PR industry.

Let’s get hypothetical!

I have a marketing book out right now and I want as many people to read it as possible.

If I was my PR guy, I’d know that Amazon is where most of my books will have been sold so I go there and search for “marketing book”.


Top of the list is David Meerman Scott’s book: The New Rules of Marketing and PR.

Now I know this book is pretty popular because I’ve actually seen David speak (SES New York I think) and to be top of Amazon for that keyword is pretty hard to do unless you’ve sold a bunch, so I guess others have written about his book and influenced their readers to read it too.

So I go to his website and drill down to the page on which the book is talked about and that’s what I use in Majestic.


What I get back from the tool is 233 backlinks from 63 domains.

I download the list of backlinks as a CSV and look for links with the word “blog” in them.


Sorting them by Citation and Trust Flow I can cherry-pick the top ten to peruse and pitch a sample chapter to review or refer to in a blog post.

Even if only two of the blogs take me up on my offer, that’ll be a couple of nice links and articles to add to the PR bag of coverage, assuming they link the book!

This is taking Majestic’s capabilities a step further.

Now it’s not just about the link building. The platform can be used to prospect and pitch content creation AND build links based on  the quality of the blogs it discovered.

Have you been using Majestic in creative ways within your business?

We’d love to know and maybe help you write up a case study to be published on this blog.




  • Jesse Kohl

    Great post. As a b2b digital marketer who used to be at a PR agency, I can truly relate to this. It was a challenge to teach the value of links beyond SEO then, but powerful tools like MajesticSEO have so much to offer in content, competitive research and more.

    November 26, 2012 at 1:48 pm
    • Mel

      > Tell me about it Jesse. It’s been a real eye opener promoting the book to even get some journalists to understand why links are important! Pass this post on…. 😉

      November 26, 2012 at 10:19 pm
  • James Crawford

    I’ve been using link equity for three or so years and in fact I started my company up on the back of the fact that so many PR people just don’t measure the impact of PR for link building.

    I had a good chat at SAScon with Dixon on this very subject in fact. I also beat him at chess 😉

    November 26, 2012 at 8:18 pm
    • Mel

      > I’m not sure what’s more impressive James. The fact you’ve already been doing this for 3 years or you beat Dixon at chess. The latter is very impressive as I have tried and failed many times. Look forward to meeting you one day and comparing notes on both counts!

      November 26, 2012 at 10:20 pm
  • Bart

    Great idea, Majestic is capable of providing true and intelligent information to be used for many usefull purposes, I use it to check which bloggers write and link about my clients competition and approach them directly to write some reviews or compare my clients product to his competition 🙂

    November 28, 2012 at 7:02 pm
  • Marco Puccetti

    Very interesting article, although I’ve just read the competitor tool that could be a great idea to obtain further incoming links.

    December 3, 2012 at 10:06 am

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