Do you want a fun way to understand Majestic? We have an animated video which gives a brief overview of what Majestic can do – from how you can use the data, to how you can find out where your site is ranked in terms of backlinks, and why you would use Majestic at all. So if you’re a business owner and need to monitor yours and your competitor’s website backlink profiles or a SEO expert who requires reliable data to guide your decisions then check out the video below.
This video has an American voice over with subtitling available in four different languages – French, German, Italian and Spanish. To select subtitling when on YouTube, just click on the cog/settings option and choose the language you require so they appear at the bottom of the video.
- Historic Index Update: June 2017 - June 7, 2017
- Majestic 3D Prints Data Visualization of “The Internet” in Space - January 31, 2017
- December 2016 Historic Index Update - December 7, 2016