At Pubcon, my presentation revealed much of Majestic’s own link strategy. This post covers that presentation.

If you were one of the many hundreds of people that gave us your card for a free Majestic trial, I am afraid you will need to wait until at least Tuesday, when I get back to the UK, before I can get someone to sift through them all. We have a SLIGHT suspicion that some of you may have been more interested in the T-Shirts and the Majestic Girls than the actual trials! Not that we didn’t want our stand swamped! We are all really grateful for everyone’s kind words throughout the presentations and in the bars.

Here is the presentation – with the salient points beneath.

Real World, Low risk High Reward Link Building. (This text follows the “slides”)

Here are my details.

Risk: Here follows a strategy with many links but not much ongoing traffic…

Some site can create many links from HUGE websites but the longevity or quality of traffic is short-lived.

The REAL secret for Link building is Re(a)lationships. I suggested ten link building ideas in last year’s presentation and this year wanted to show how I personally have applied have a do zone of these ideas in Majestic’s own marketing strategy.

  1. Last year I suggested offering testimonials. That very strategy generated a great marketing boost through our partnership with Raventools.
  2. I suggested arranging or getting involved in meet-ups. This years Majestic has sponsored events all over the world and often enjoyed links as a result. Our next two events are in Manchester and Israel by the way.
  3. Last year I recommended sending samples out for reviews. In Majestic’s world, this translates really to being able to give out free trials – although as a principal we have only given trials out to people attending conferences, although route would be by joining SEMPO.
  4. Last year I talked about going to conferences and speaking in your niche. The best example I can show here of why this works is the relationship I personally have with Rand Fishkin as why both try to tame this untameable industry. This means at times even competitors need to work together.
  5. Even tactics like running a good cause website are being used in a way at Majestic.

I then went on to talk about how we went about launching our Majestic Millions and Badge widget earlier in the year, which is demonstrated in the slides by the timeline of events.

So that’s a narrative of the slides – ending on the reaffirmation that Majestic’s entire strategy depends on developing relationships – with our customers, with our suppliers, and aiming to turn them all into our advocates. We constantly look out for mentions of Majestic online – whether in a good or bad context and try to react as best as we can as fast as we can. Even two of our booth staff were unpaid! In fact they are our clients!

I do admit, though, that the models weren’t free.





Dixon Jones
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  • Lord Register

    I was impressed with the insight and expertise of your comments.
    The web is continuing to become more sophisticated, and as such requires the kind of innovative ideas you display.

    D. Boyle
    registrar of rolls
    The National Register of Manorial Titles

    November 23, 2011 at 1:04 am
  • Morten Rais

    The link building process is a process with many facets. I found majestic seo when yahoo site explorer went dead or I would probably not have taken the time to check Majestic seoout. But as you say all kind of processes where you can get people involved is a good way or the dead of a compeeting service:-)

    Morten Rais

    December 5, 2011 at 11:42 am
    • Dixon

      Certainly, when Yahoo went down, we carried out some research on Google suggest to work out what people were typing in to find different sources of data and wrote some content optimized for the best possible key-phrase, which got picked up well. This was not a link building strategy as much as a unique content strategy, though.

      December 5, 2011 at 4:35 pm

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