Wow what a month November has been! We’ve restored the service of our Chrome Plugin, and have also been to London for MarTech Europe, Italy for SMXL Milan, Spain, Raleigh, Austria for SEOKomm and of course the UK Search Awards! It’s been a very busy month of travel and learning but it’s been great to see some new faces in the Search industry. Thank you for saying hello if you were one of those who came over and said “hi” to Majestic at one of the shows.




Each of the shows had a different theme in mind, and at some of the events there were far more technical talks than others, but in one way or another they all were trying to help you produce a data driven content strategy.

You can have different approaches to marketing, business and success, but you need to make sure that you have a strategy in place that works for your business. To do that, you often listen to advice on SEO, run link audits, research new opportunities look at different metrics and find the data to back up your logic or gut instinct. But do you ever just sit and think about past mistakes?

What I learnt for this month…

Mistakes are an opportunity for further growth IF you learn from them. This is a big “if”.  Yes, it sounds obvious, and when thinking about it I’ve probably heard this said before but it’s never really registered with me until this month having thought more about hard and soft metrics. I’ve looked at analytical software, numbers, budgets and cost per units, but not really sat and thought about the projects which perhaps didn’t quite go to plan. At the time, I just worked to resolve the problems and deliver the campaigns as best I could to time and budget, to make the client happy. Then felt a lot of relief when that happened. It’s only now, that I’ve taken a moment to think “okay, that didn’t actually go as planned, what went wrong?” So I can learn from the mistakes to improve next time.

The insights have been surprising. I have learnt which tasks to allow more time to complete, which days are best to deliver different types of marketing content, and what terminology to use for a greater impact.

So as it’s almost the holidays, and we’re all looking back at the year, planning for Christmas, and trying to wrap up those last few projects, I’d say if you get a moment to think not just through the processes, tools you’re using, and what you’re achieving, but also what went wrong on projects you have worked on this year, then you may have some very good takeaways of your own. After all, as Richard Branson is quoted to have said –

“You don’t learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing, and by falling over.”

Richard Branson

So if you have fallen over this year, then you may have some great opportunities to learn from for your strategising. The mistakes may just take some time to think about over a nice drink. With that, I should also say that at the start of next year, I’ll be taking a two month sabbatical; (January and February) to have a lot of nice drinks and reflect 😉

I wish you all a Happy Holidays and good luck with your data analysis, networking, team-building, communicating and strategising as we’ve looked at in the Majestic Month in Words features this year. Until next time…


  • Enric Tellez

    The website has improved so much, I use it every day for linkbuilding and couldn’t do without it anymore.
    This has helped so much with the ranking of my website.

    Keep it going guys! Greetings from the Netherlands

    December 19, 2016 at 1:41 pm

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