ADDED on 16TH: We have a much more significant article today after the news came to our offices and did a article. Have a look from 7 mins 15 seconds at THIS LINK over the next seven days.


We were delighted to hear ourselves mentioned on the BBC on one of their news programmes.

We were described as “an amazing success story to rival Google”. We wouldn’t exactly describe ourselves as rivals to Google, but we do have an awful lot of data… it;s just rather different to theirs! We are indeed pretty pleased with the progress to date and are happy to be called “an amazing success story” though. Matthew highlighted us when the presenter asked what the very best example of a start-up was in the science park. The park in itself a center for technology incubation excellence, so being the best of the best is high praise indeed.

I don’t know if we are allowed to embed BBC video, so here’s a link to it. We get mentioned in the article that starts at 13 minutes 53 seconds in, by Matthew Hidderley, who manges the science park here in Birmingham.

Link to the BBC video

Hey – no link from them to us… but that just goes to show that a link is not always about the blue underlined anchor texts. We’ll happily take that as an endorsement for now.

Dixon Jones
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