Buzzsumo has integrated Majestic into its Tool

We are delighted!

The integration has long been seen by content marketers as a natural progression of Majestic’s data and we are delighted to have been able to partner up with Buzzsumo to help make this happen.

Shareable Content vs Linkable Content

We think that together we can add new insights into what sorts of content generates strong links – and what simply gets shared a lot but without any long lasting value. Buzzsumo’s Steve Rayson did some insightful research on this when they launched the integration of Majestic data, but tomorrow, Steve Rayson and I will link up for a free webinar to go more into the findings from this article.

Join the Webinar

Tuesday 22nd November 2016.
4:30 PM London
11:30 AM EST

More Screenshots of the Buzzsumo Integration

You can look at backlinks in Buzzsumo directly from your account. without needing OpenApps. You just need a Buzzsumo account:

Screenshot 2016-11-21 15.02.14


Join the Webinar

Tuesday 22nd November 2016.
4:30 PM London
11:30 AM EST




Dixon Jones
Latest posts by Dixon Jones (see all)


  • Michael Stricker

    This represents one of the great, new Post-Penguin link-building opportunities. Must-see. Your implementation of "Add to Calendar", however, seems to have a common flaw that occurs in GoToWebinar when registrants add the vent to their calendars. In my case, it comes up 6 hours after, instead of 5 hours before, when added to Eastern Standard Time U.S. Google Calendar. I would hate to see such an important event lose it’s audience because of a GoToWebinar event setup issue. : )

    November 21, 2016 at 4:07 pm
    • Dixon Jones

      Yep – thanks Michael. It’s an odd one, as we have a load of people signed up, but only today have we been told about a bug. Hey ho… We’ll try and get an email out just before it starts anyway and we’ll also record it and send it to registered users afterwards as a fail=safe.

      November 21, 2016 at 5:06 pm
  • Peter A

    Great news guys, but only just got email notification and the webinar was 8 days ago. Is there a replay?


    December 1, 2016 at 8:16 pm

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