We have some very powerful APIs and this post is designed to help you make the most out of our API solutions. I do want to start by making two things very clear.

1. Our Platinum subscription offers users the full API for INTERNAL (Non-reseller) use only. Under that license you would not be able to build competing products to Majestic SEO. The two exceptions to this are the GetIndexItemInfo command which can be used to show web users link counts and using our data with a proper OpenApps implementation, which is available for developers in Platinum and available as a client for ALL paid users (silver and above).
2. The best way to build web applications that list any back-link data DETAIL  is to become one of our enterprise partners, which involves a significant monthly investment. I hope this post explains why.

Does Majestic have a free API?

Majestic previously made some API calls available for free in exchange for publicity. However – this was expensive to provide and is not generally available as of January 2014. If you are a developer without funds, then there may be an option. Please apply over on this page.

Can I use the full Enterprise API for web based applications?

You need the correct (Enterprose) license for the correct use. With our Platinum subscription (£250 a month, APPROX 300 Euros/400 US dollars), you can use the full API, but you should only be using if for your team to provide reporting (rather than tools) for retained clients. Companies can also use the API to build their own applications, but they are must not be for public use. Web based clients should not be able to log in and use any tool applications themselves. If you want this, then you will need a full reseller license to use the API.

What does an Enterprise Partnership cost and why is that pricing not on the website?

Enterprise partnerships include data reseller rights are generally quite complicated deals. They cost several thousands of pounds each month and each contract is individually negotiated. No two deals are exactly the same. Clients on this kind of license have considerable sway on how we might license the data in future, because they ultimately help us fund the crawl and the not inconsiderable development and ongoing costs of the engine and crawlers.

Isn’t there something in between these two pricing extremes?

You can get the full functionality of our data in commercial applications as long as we have a direct relationship with the client. For this we built Majestic OpenApps which will suit smaller developers.

What data can I get back from the full API?

Our web based application uses the full API. You get large amounts of information about any URL’s backlinks. You also get API access to many other commands, like the ones that feed our bulk back-link checker and our standard reports. We basically leave it all out on the field in our full API and we are constantly developing it in line with our reseller customer demands. Here is a list of just some of the things things you can get from the full API:

  • The date we first found a link (even if it is dead) which helps us build our history graph
  • The date we last crawled the link
  • The anchor text if present
  • Whether it redirects
  • Whether the link is in an image
  • Whether the anchor text is in an ALT field
  • Whether the link was still live last time we crawled (we keep the old data to check paid link campaigns)
  • Whether the link is a real LINK or just a mention
  • Whether the link is marked nofollow

In addition, you can use parameters to return just the results you want. For example:

  • Return all the Affiliate links of a given site.
  • Return the top 6000 links by ACRank that were found in 2010
  • Return all links that are nofollowed and mention a given anchor text
  • tell me how many links exist that fit any given criteria.

Can I see the documentation for the APIs or get a trial?

Please contact us, giving us a clear idea of who you are and what your expectations will be.

Can I see examples of the FULL API on a platinum package integration?

If we COULD link you to such an integration, then the user is probably using it against our terms of service.

Can I see examples of the Full Enterprise API integration?

Sure – but they’ll probably need to charge you. linkdex.com; Wordtracker’s Linkbuilder and Raventools are all currently using our full API.

Do you have an API sandbox for developers?

Yes… over here.

Where can I start a negotiation about a full API?

Set up a sales support ticket with us here.

I hope this helps.

Dixon Jones
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