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Welcome to Majestic!

We have now redirected the Majestic SEO home page to, and made some updates to the Majestic blog section. The previous link will automatically forward you to the new address but if you experience any problems than just let us know. We hope you like the small changes we’ve made to the name and site. Our site’s terms of use have changed very slightly, but only to reflect the new brand name where appropriate.

Why the name change?

It’s always a risk for any company to change their name, but we felt it was an important move to make. We are still proud to operate within an SEO industry, but at every conference we attend, someone asks us “Do you offer SEO consultancy” – A simple question, but one that made us reflect on what our name states and how we’re perceived. We want to make it clear as to what type of business we are… We’re an analytics business. At the heart of Majestic we are a big data company that is passionate; (if not a little nerdy), about data.

Note: Content undergoing update in 2020 – comments may refer to original article created by Nicola Carey, on which this is based.


  • Azzam

    Love the new name.
    Hopefully followed by a better design site and some awesome tools

    October 3, 2014 at 4:05 pm
  • Steve Erlich

    Thanks for the update Nicola! Love the new name and keep up the great work!

    October 6, 2014 at 8:36 pm
  • Karel

    I’m curious about the reasoning behind the (re)-branding. Is SEO of less importance to Majestic or are you focussing more on different sectors?

    October 7, 2014 at 8:11 am
    • Nicola Carey

      A good question! SEO is still as important to us, but we feel that we can help other industry sectors with our data too – such as those in the digital world; (as one example). So we thought it was better to re-brand slightly and then we’re better positioned to help others. Plus, it seemed a good time following our more recent developments of Topical Trust Flow which highlights other industries and where our data could be seen to be useful.

      October 7, 2014 at 9:41 am
  • William Harvey

    Congratulations, a much better brand name. Now for the battle of the search term "majestic" in the UK. Hick 😉

    October 7, 2014 at 4:06 pm

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