At Majestic, we are continuously scouting local universities for new talents and regular take on interns and placement students to help build on their knowledge with hands-on and real world experiences.

Now that autumn is amongst us, we say goodbye to our 2016 summer interns as they settle back into university life and complete their undergraduate degrees. But before they left, we had the opportunity to ask them to share a little bit about their experiences whilst working for Majestic.

Here’s what they had to say:

What is your internship?

During the internship, we have been working on using the D3 JavaScript library to represent Majestic’s data. We chose to do this by creating a map of the internet using backlinks” – Samuel and Thomas

What made you decide to come to Majestic to do your internship?

I met Steve Pitchford at Hackference 2015 and then again at AstonHack 2015 during which he gave my team some valuable advice. After learning about what the company does I thought it would be the perfect place at which to learn new skills due to the breadth and variety in techniques and technology used.” – Samuel

I met Steve Pitchford at my first-ever hackathon, AstonHack, and got in touch afterwards about an internship. I loved not only the data that Majestic has on hand, but also the wonderful team working here.” – Thomas

What work have you been involved with on your internship?

Primarily we have been working on the link graph page which displays a complex network of the sites that link to a central site (the current dataset spans several universities), and their linking sites (and so on). You can take a look at it live in action here or read about it in a blog post we released on the Majestic blog here. In addition to that, we have made several smaller projects, like the isometric backlinks page and the site host map.”  – Samuel and Thomas

Were there any challenges you had to overcome?

The main challenge that I had to overcome was learning the techniques and software libraries that we decided to use when working on the projects. For example, I had never made a server before and had limited skill and knowledge of general web development.”-  Samuel

Getting to grips with the D3 library (which I’d never used before), and realising that perfection isn’t everything when you’re trying to create a product  – you have to have the right balance between making something perfect, and getting something out.” – Thomas

What has been the highlight of your internship?

Learning a lot of new things and working in the professional environment, along with the great interaction between all levels of the company, has been very useful and eye-opening. Since joining Majestic I have really learnt a lot more about the scope of the company and their role in the SEO world, which became even more apparent during the Queen’s Award ceremony. All in all, the whole 10 weeks spent here has been a great and very rewarding experience.”  – Samuel

Finding out that the stuff I’ve been working on is genuinely contributing to the company, and working with an awesome team of people <3” – Thomas

Majestic would collectively like to wish Samuel and Thomas the best of luck in their futures and say a big thank you and congratulations for the fantastic work they achieved on Labs.Majestic.