Broken Link Building is one of the last great white hat techniques that can be done at scale and MajesticSEO’s suite of tools is integral to this process.

Following their successful partnership with MajesticSEO to deliver the Get Links Course earlier this year, Ken McGaffin and Garrett French have developed a new video course that explains in detail how to do broken link building at scale.
The process of broken link building is simple:

•    You find resource pages with broken links
•    You contact the webmaster and suggest an alternative
•    If they like your suggestion, you’ll get a link in return.

It stands out as a tactic because by pointing out the link and suggesting a viable alternative you’re doing your prospect a favor, even with your first pitch email.

In this video, Ken and Garrett explain how MajesticSEO tools are at the heart of the process:

Highlights of this 9-minute video include:

•    How to prospect for broken link opportunities using crawl results (at 00.32)
•    How to use the bulk backlinks tool to prioritize broken link prospects (at 4.30)
•    Why dead domains are golden nuggets for broken link builders (at 6.35)

Broken link building is a straightforward and rewarding process but the secret is to do it at scale. In the course, Garrett will explain why he has moved his agency’s focus away from guest posting to concentrate on broken link building at scale.
He’s generous at sharing his methods and shows how the process can work for in-house teams, and how agencies and solo SEOs can add broken link building as a profitable income stream.

The course kicks off on Thursday 8th August and you’ll get a pre-launch discount of $30 if you buy through the Linking Matters website before August 7th. That means you get the whole course for just $149. Or if you require more information and wish to contact MajesticSEO then please email the team; Broken link building is an underused strategy so there are great links to be had. As Garrett says, “if you’re not doing broken link building, you’re leaving links on the table”.


  • Peter Mead iT

    Great article, Broken Link Building a real opportunity. MajesticSEO is another great tool well worth using each and every day.

    Thanks for this.

    August 2, 2013 at 1:53 pm
  • Marcin


    your link to the “Linking Matters website” (above) is broken.

    Will you please reward me with a link? 🙂

    August 5, 2013 at 10:34 am
  • Max Holloway

    Nice to see Ken McGaffin again.

    One of my colleagues sent this link around and I exclaimed “I used to work with him!”

    This covers “how to find broken links” very nicely, would be great to see something from the both of you on what to do once you’ve found them – building new resources, crafting the first touch email, linking to old content etc…

    August 6, 2013 at 10:39 am
  • Sadha Kaif

    Great post.Thank you Nicola for sharing the video too.I m new in the field of SEO and this article proved to be very informative to me.

    August 7, 2013 at 5:42 am
  • Ken McGaffin

    Hi Max,

    And good to hear from you again too.

    The big difference in a broken link email is that you’re immediately doing a favor by pointing out the broken link. So the pitch itself can be very subtle and looking to build a relationship. You also get reaction from some of the people you’re targeting.

    We cover the pitch process in the course of course – but perhaps Majestic will let us do an article on the process next month!



    August 7, 2013 at 8:33 am
  • Lee Keadle

    This is the first I’ve heard of broken link building. I wonder, though, how good the link would be if these are often pages that are not kept up properly. Of course you would only do this for pages and sites with good authority… What an interesting and unique concept – it’s certainly worth a try, so thanks for sharing!

    August 8, 2013 at 8:18 pm
  • Thomas

    The broken link building strategy is rapidly growing in popularity in 2013, as Ken says in the video broken link building can potentially offer a “treasure trove” of golden relevant link opportunities.

    August 23, 2013 at 4:32 pm
  • Ali Mese

    One of the most effective but often neglected link building strategy. Thanks for bringing up the topic, I realized I should work on this little more.

    August 29, 2013 at 5:04 pm

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