Link data analysis is essential for SEO; it can be used for a variety of tasks such as: identifying possible link placement opportunities, explaining your current rank position, analysing competitor’s links and reputation management.

But is that all?

If used creatively, link data can be used for activities beyond the realms of SEO for practices such as digital PR and influencer marketing.

To help you with this, over the coming weeks we will be doing a mini-series of advice from Duane Forrester, giving you the opportunity to hear his expert guidance on how you can use link data for PR purposes and to identify industry leaders.

In today’s segment, Duane speaks on ‘How to Measure Influence using Link Data’; view the video below to hear from the expert.


We hope you found this video insightful.

If you would like to see the full interview with Duane Forrester click here…

Stay tuned for the next episode in the series where you will be given more advice on how you can use Link data creatively.


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