Topical Trust Flow is a formidable means to analyse a backlink profile and identify the best possible link building opportunities. In this article we report a case history and introduce a procedure which will allow you to streamline your link building activities.

The case history we are about to examine is based on a link building effort in one of the most competitive segments online today: Adult Entertainment.

We tend to think, and are often brought to believe, that certain verticals obey a set of rules which differ significantly from other markets. To a certain extent this is most likely true, although I would not advise anyone to take this as definitive or final: every website lives and leads a life of its own online and this makes the difference. Link building for an Adult Entertainment Website differs significantly from a link building effort for a hotel. We can use “clean” techniques to rank in such a difficult market segment.

In our effort to achieve top rankings for this particular website, we aimed at implementing a link building strategy based on Topical Trust Flow. Our objective was to increase Topical Trust Scores in the Adult Entertainment theme focused categories. At the same time we were determined to reduce the weight and influence of other categories which were not relevant.

The backlink profile of our website revealed Topical Trust Flow in 30 different categories as shown in the following screenshot:

image 1














The data was collected using the Majestic Site Explorer. Topical Trust Flow Values collected from the Topics tab and presented on a spreadsheet in alphabetical order.

This information can also be gathered using the Compare option from the Tools menu:


image 2

Next, fresh and historical index information was gathered for the top 10 websites ranking for the specified keyword. The data collected was for both domain and URL in fresh and historical indexes:


image 3image 4image 5image 6

We organized the data using the 5 topics where the domain was most influential.

image 7

At the outset of this analysis our website was stable in position N.9 on a local version of Google based on the data provided by Majestic we decided to increase our Topical Trust Flow in the “black” categories (Adult/Business, Adult/Computers, Adult/Regional, Adult/World) and reduce influence in Shopping/Classifieds which was the leading category at that time. These were links coming from related sites, so it was easy to neutralize them.

Our link building efforts began scanning the web (starting from competitors) in search of websites with a relatively high value of Adult Topical Trust flow: we contacted websites with a Topical Trust Flow greater than 20.

This was an extremely slow and meticulous process. We relied heavily on Majestic to identify the most appropriate prospects and contacted them one by one. I cannot disclose the details of the actual link building process which goes beyond the scope of this post, but I can share are the results.

It took nearly 3 months to investigate and contact hundreds of websites. We generated countless backlink reports to identify only a handful of qualified prospects each time. In turn, these prospects offered new uncharted link building waters for us to explore and verify in a relentless iterative process which produced no more than 50 links. The new Topical Trust Focused links, changed the backlink profile.

Backlink Profile BEFORE the Topical Trust Flow Link Building Strategy:

image 8

Backlink Profile AFTER the Topical Trust Flow Link Building Strategy:

image 9

The presence of the new Value of Topical Trust Flow (15 – topic 5) produced an increase in ranking on average of 2 positions (2nd half of 1st page).


Topical Trust Flow is a powerful means to identify optimal link building prospects and streamline the entire link building process. This case history proves once again that quality overrides quantity in any field.










Sante Achille
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  • Bodie Czeladka

    wahhh, Loved this process of building links , actually it improves quality of our websites also. Keep posting these type of tips.

    October 21, 2016 at 11:55 am

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