What are the most talked about topics on Pinterest? How popular are cat pictures on Instagram? Are cat pictures more popular on Instagram than on Pinterest?

At Labs.Majestic we built Round The Clock – an interactive tool that lets you take a closer look at Topical Trust Flow data for a website of your choice, broken down to lots of details up to sup-topic levels, and analyse percentage changes over time.

You could interact with the tool by looking up any website and then search as many topics as you need.

Looking at the changes in the percentages could be a good way to decide what kind of content/topics are more likely to do well on a particular website.

What do these bubbles mean?

Here we have looked at the top 100 topics for Pinterest and Instagram.

Fresh and historic Topical Trust Flow data from both the social networking sites can tell us what topics get linked to most often from each of them.

Each bubble is labelled with a specific topic, coloured to a general topic, and shows the percentage increase or decrease in trust of that particular topic.

Hovering over a bubble gives more details about each topic and sub-topic. Switching view will let you look at them in a:

  • big cluster
  • general topic clusters
  • a chart of fresh against historic trust
  • ordered by percentage change.

Fresh Trust Flow here is based on data from the last few days and historic Trust Flow is from over the last one to three months.


[iframe src=”https://labs.majestic.com/2015/round-the-clock/index.php?goto=pinterest.com&embedded=true” width=”100%” height=”540px”]

To understand how we could use this tool, we started with looking at Pinterest and Instagram.

Trust Flow data we’ve picked here seems to say talking about travel, food, business, consumer goods and services could work really well with Pinterest.

The sizes of bubbles for these topics in the cluster view (as seen below) are relative to the fresh Trust Flow, and we see an increase in the percentages in this case.

As seen in the interactive above, the fewer number of bubbles for science and technology, golf, motorsport, Pinterest is probably not the best social media platform for publishers.



[iframe src=”https://labs.majestic.com/2015/round-the-clock/index.php?goto=instagram.com&embedded=true” width=”100%” height=”540px”]

Topics like travel, food, business and music seem to be doing equally well on Instagram too.

Going by the increased number of the purple bubbles in this Instagram Trust Flow data, (compared to the Pinterest one above), various sports topics including golf, motorsport, soccer, winter sport work quite well on Instagram.

Business, food and travel seem to be doing well quite on both these social channels.

How can this data be used?

Topics identified from this fresh and historic topical Trust Flow data could be used to identified what works on a particular network, and narrow down areas of influence.

For instance, with businesses, brands, performers or bloggers working in the music industry, a 3% increase in trust on Instagram compared to a 1% increase on Pinterest could provide some useful pointers in that direction.

This could show a greater chance of tapping into a more relevant network on Instagram than on Pinterest.

Similarly, this Round the Clock interactive tool could also help you analyse your competitor’s Topical Trust Flow too, as you could look up any website you need to.

This, in turn could help spot areas that businesses could potentially expand into, identify new networks that they may have overlooked earlier and expand their networks further.

We did try to look for cats on Pinterest and Instagram, turns out they’re not among the top 100 topics we looked at on either platforms!





  • Rainer

    Hi. Great Tool and very useful!
    Yet, I like to be able to search the other way around, too: Not only for a given website but also for a given topic/keyword, perhaps limited within a given, selectable Trust Flow or Topical Trust Flow Score.

    Anyway, I do love what you have done. Hope to see more nice tools from your lab.
    — Rainer

    July 30, 2015 at 3:51 pm
    • Nicola Carey

      Hi Rainer,
      Thank you for your thoughts! The guys working on this project are chuffed with your feedback, and I have fed back your suggestions to them too.

      July 31, 2015 at 2:24 pm
  • Sher Thapa

    Great tool, indeed! Pretty easy to figure out topical trust flow data as compared to finding by figures.


    August 5, 2015 at 8:39 am

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