Oo so what have we been up to in the last month? Well, we’ve made an algorithm update, released some new functionality so you can share your campaigns, re-designed our newsletter and managed to chalk up over 20,000 air miles travelling to events. It’s been a full month!

Plus, with the year drawing to a close we have had one eye on rounding up what we’ve learnt so far this year so we can make those all important strategic decisions for 2017.

Yes, 2016 has seen more quality updates by SERP’s, greater importance placed on the use of mobile, and further questions about whether links matter. We of course would say that they do 😉

But in amongst all the travel, discussion and changes, what has been the key takeaway for the month of October?

What I learnt this month…

Well I think for me, it has to be – don’t forget to share your findings and discuss them. It sounds simple. This month I’ve had many discussions about the success of events, content design, return on investment (ROI), and product updates. But whilst it’s been essential to monitor the ROI and have these conversations, (and it really has been to learn more about the demographics of the business, countries to operate in, how to monitor PPC campaigns, traffic and content… the list goes on…), it’s also been important to share results and ask for feedback.

That’s one of the reasons I like the fact you can now share your tracking campaigns, and I feel it’s important to write this blog post each month. Yes, you can sit at your computer and crunch the numbers and come up with a plan looking at Search trends, your data and thinking through the possibilities. It can often be easier than one of those difficult discussions where you hear more questions than solutions, especially if the data isn’t reflecting all the effort you’re putting in. But, if you don’t share the data, and discuss it, you’re unlikely to discover those extra pieces to the puzzle which aren’t written down.

I love quantitative data, but back in June’s Majestic Month in Words I said if you want to build your website, customer base or fundamentally your online profile, you also need to build your face-to-face networking, and the results of these conversations won’t be easy to find in any system.

Yes, you can gain insights from figures but try to make sure you’re having the conversations that will help you join the dots between what the data is showing you and what is actually happening. Speak to the team, get their involvement, and not only will you have greater communication and more motivation but then you will also be able to produce a realistic strategic plan for the future.

Good luck…