On April the 5th we blogged about the online coverage in terms of link growth reflected in our Fresh Index of a story in a UK newspaper – The Guardian questioning where Larry Page will lead Google, now, three days after the article was published we would like to review our progress.

We have just performed todays update – the third in three days, and are now in a position to reflect on the detected link growth for the article in question:

Majestic SEO – Reported external backlinks
for selected Guardian article
5 Apr 6 Apr 7 Apr
Referring Domains: 8 60 66
External Backlinks: 52 634 647


Because we have developed our own crawling infrastructure, and control our crawling we have the ability to continue to improve the intelligence of our recrawl. As we explained in our last post, this has enabled our crawlers to work more like those of major full text search engines. Rather than simply trawl through a list of URLs, or wandering randomly over the web, we have a orchestrated crawl strategy. This has a number of advantages:

  • We aim to scan more important sites regularly, picking up new backlinks fast
  • We have a progressive crawl which discovers new links running simultaneously with the recrawl
  • By revisiting pages we detect deleted links – even on a resolution as tight as the fresh index – On the 5th we had detected that some short term links had been deleted. ( If indexing this seems odd to you, pause to consider the value of knowing someone has just pulled one of your links after a short period of time )

Let’s compare todays totals from our fresh index for the Guardian article with some link counts from other sources:

Reported external backlinks on 7th April 2011 for selected Guardian article.
Site Explorer
Site Explorer
/links slashtag
Open Site Explorer
Referring Domains: 66 not displayed on site not displayed on site no data shown no data shown
External Backlinks: 647 419 7 no data shown no data shown


We admit that it isn’t a totally fair comparison – the article was selected to play to our strengths, and all of these companies offer more than just link intelligence services ( for some, backlink data provision may appear more of a distraction than a core business ). We do hope though, that the table above illustrates why we consider our position as a market leader in link intelligence is well earned.

Where next for Majestic?

It’s a great feeling to be able to test drive a new product when its out of development and find it works as well as expected in the real world as we hoped. The union of Site explorer, the Fresh index and our intelligent recrawls serve as an example of the importance Majestic place in strategic planning – the launches and way they interact are far from coincidental and are representative of Majestic’s development philosophy and direction.

We are determined to unpick the mysteries of full-text search engine ranking piece by piece and make this valuable intelligence available for the ever increasing range of professions interested in this data. We have a number of exciting projects in development and on our roadmap – including new metrics, new tools and enhanced presentation. Its going to be an exciting journey – why not register and see what we do?

Steve Pitchford
Latest posts by Steve Pitchford (see all)


  • jo frazer

    Hi guys,
    I have just dicovered majestic! What a website, I havent been off my computer for 3 days. Amazing discovery for myself and the Company. You have my undivided attention constantly. If you have any workshops or conferences please contact me asap. Thanks!!!

    April 17, 2011 at 10:05 am
  • Jim

    Hi Guys,

    Your fresh site explorer is cool but I’m wondering when the benefits of your new technology is going to appear on the standard reports?

    Will we eventually see this velocity of link discovery showing up there as well?

    best regards,


    April 17, 2011 at 5:11 pm
    • Alex

      Hi Jim,

      Standard Reports can now be updated using the most recent data – just force analysis on those. You can also create them for Fresh Index data (with Silver subscription and above). We don’t have current plans to show link discovery trends for those – Advanced Reports can do that though.


      April 18, 2011 at 1:54 pm
  • ChrisW

    Majestic SEO just keeps getting better and better. I am so thankful that you have the ability to crawl the amount of data you so and offer your services so reasonably with Yahoo Site Explorer potentially going away soon and Open Site Explorer so limited in data! Thank you!

    April 18, 2011 at 6:01 am
  • Nick Garner

    I love majestic – i love the way it makes data gathering so easy and I do recommend it to anyone asking me about link acquisition tools.

    May 5, 2011 at 5:31 pm

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