Following on from our March announcement of our largest ever Historic Index, we are pleased to announce a huge increase in the coverage of our Fresh Index!

Our recent program of hardware upgrades has facilitated the growth of our Fresh index from 90 to 120 days of crawl coverage, with little impact on turnaround! More days of crawl means more data, facilitating deeper link analysis. Because our Fresh index is updated often, this means more data about more sites, further increasing the utility of our Fresh Index.

Fresh Index as of 5:40pm, 11th April showing 4 months of crawl

Why is Fresh important when Majestic Historic is the largest?

We believe Majestic Historic Index is the largest publically available repository of inbound link data (backlinks) . However, this huge size comes at a cost of link discovery latency – with Majestic aiming to update the vast Historic Index once per calendar month, making our “Fresh” index critical when analysis of recent links is important. By extending the crawl period for fresh, we can cover a larger proportion of the web in one index – a convenience important to many of our users.

Whilst it’s tempting to see if this huge increase is reflected in counts between Majestic and our competitors, it’s important to note that metrics like domain counts vary across different backlink indexes. We believe Majestic has the strictest interpretation of a root domain- not including free subdomains of “Service Root Domains” like blogspot, which can result in more conservative counts of referring domain counts than other sites for similar size datasets (See table below).

URL Hostname ( Subdomain ) Root Domain

Other backlink competitors may consider “”, “”, “”, “” as not one root domain, but four.

Does this impact metrics?

We anticipate that the longer crawl may impact some sites referring domains and backlink counts – however, these measures tend to be volatile, hence the development of Majestic Flow Metrics [TM].

Just as Referring link counts vary from backlink index to backlink index, variations of crawl rates and updates to algorithms can impact the index of any single provider over time.

We don’t predict a significant change to Trust Flow and Citation Flow – this can be verified by using the Flow Metrics History Tool.


  • Freddy Olsson SEO

    Great news! Exciting with more data about more sites. Majestic rules when it comes to backlink auditing 🙂 Best regards [EDIT: LINK REMOVED]

    April 24, 2018 at 1:35 pm

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