Today I am delighted to announce that you can now see our headline numbers inside Piwik analytics. If you are all hung up on Google Analytics – you may have forgotten that there are other great analytics packages out there and Piwik is free and open source.


Search Data Directly into your Analytics.

The integration is modest at the moment – showing the backlink counts for any page on your site. You can click on the number to drill down by linking through to Majestic’s deeper data. The link data goes alongside other SEO related data about the page, currently including PageRank. Unfortunately they do not show Trust Flow or Citation flow in there at the moment. We did try – but maybe a few of you can pitch up and request it (or build it into the product). We are hopeful that someone goes ahead and builds a full OpenApps integration into the technology.

Why Piwik?

Majestic uses it in preference to Google Analytics because we can actually store the data on our own servers. We also like some of the features. Here is just one really cool part of Piwik that we like – the ability to easily see where visitors to any page on the site come from and head to:

Screen Shot 2013-06-01 at 21.07.32

What Next?

That really depends on our user base. If there is a big call for it, then we would develop an analytics integration further. For any page on your site… with Open Apps integrated… we could show you stuff like the anchor text spread, actual links to the page, the Flow metrics, and loads more. But unless you call for it, Piwik will develop in other areas. ask here – or ask Piwik!

Want to try Piwik?

Piwik is free if you host it on your own servers or costs from just $4 a month if you host it on third party machines. It has loads of rich features and is a worthy competitor at any price in the analytics market.

Dixon Jones
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  • Jane

    Interesting move. I prefer MajesticSEO, and would rather use your solution than Moz Analytics. I already use Piwik, so it would be nice not to have two “platforms” to worry about!

    May 31, 2013 at 11:55 pm
  • Aristotle 1337

    Yeah thats cool, i m using piwik since a while now for all my projects. Having overview of pages and backlinks in piwik is indeed very helpfull.

    June 1, 2013 at 2:16 am
  • Chris

    Cool, this will be very helpful!

    June 2, 2013 at 6:01 am
  • Ed

    We’ve been using Piwik for a few years and seeing that Majestic SEO is now integrated makes a great addition. It’s good to see our backlinks at a glance using the Majestic SEO data and we can now click to see more details on our backlinks.

    June 3, 2013 at 1:22 pm
  • Patrick

    Wow! I did not know this. This is definitely the reason that is going to make me switch from to majestic. I’m doing it.

    June 14, 2013 at 5:57 am

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