A New Addition to Link Alerts

If you’ve started to enjoy your email link alerts, but you would prefer not to see that boring link at the top of every backlink email, then you’ll really enjoy our new addition, email alert suppression lists.

You can now set up a big ignore list for your alerts.  Any link that comes from a domain from your suppression list will be pushed to the bottom of your email, in a tiny, little font.

But you may not want to suppress a whole domain.  That’s no problem. If you would like to eliminate a subdomain only, then you can do that.  Just enter the subdomain into your list. We’ll suppress any links that come from that subdomain, but allow any other links from other subdomains on that domain.

Domains in your suppression list apply to all of your email alerts, there’s no need to mess around with different lists for different alerts, it’s all in one easy place.

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Add to Suppression List from your Email Alert

To speed up your workflow, we realise that you may want to add items to your list straight from your email alerts.

This is really easy, just click on the X to the right of the Topical Trust Flow.  We’ll redirect you to majestic.com, and add that subdomain to the list.


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Something to keep in mind when you do this… in the example above, the subdomain, “www.seochat.com” would be added to the list.  Once you’ve added all of your items from the email, it’s probably a good idea to double-check that your domains and subdomains are just as you’d like them.

Site Explorer Link

You’ve probably noticed that links in your emails go directly to that domain, subdomain, or URL, bypassing Majestic.  We did it like this as some mail clients rightly don’t like links that say one thing, but go to a different URL.

Sometimes you will want to go to the Majestic site to check up on a domain.  So we’ve added a link to the number of new backlinks, it will take you to Site Explorer for that domain, or subdomain.

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URLS and Domains

This one isn’t a new feature, we just wanted to remind you of the difference between URLs and domains in your alerts.

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Remember that if you want an alert for an entire domain, you should just use the domain name, for example majestic.com. If you create an alert using the URL of the home page, http://majestic.com, then you will only receive alerts for backlinks that specifically point to the home page.


We hope that you enjoy playing around with link alerts and suppression lists, and they they’re starting to make a difference to the way you work.

If you have any ideas, or feedback, please let us know.   We’d love to hear what we could do to make your job easier.

David Kenning