Despite not adding any new users in the second quarter of 2017, Twitter is still one of the most popular social networks. A recent Pew Research Centre study showed that a majority of U.S. adults – 62% – get news on social media and nearly six in ten Twitter users get news on the site. But why Twitter? Mainly because it often breaks news before any of the mainstream media outlets get chance to. However, when they do get the chance to, they will either link to or embed the tweet which broke the news.

This blog post is the first part of a 3 part content series in which I will look at how you can use Majestic to find out insightful data about Twitter. In this first part, I will look at what tweets were most linked to during this summer and whether there are any particular accounts whose tweets are constantly linked to. I’ll find this out by using Majestic’s Site Explorer which allows me to dissect a tweet and see what websites are linking to it.

The most linked to tweets in the last 90 days

In order to find out the most linked to tweets, I typed in into Site Explorer and went to the Pages tab. I then exported the top 30,000 results for into an Excel spreadsheet.

Once it was downloaded, I then filtered the data to only show URL’s which had /status/.

After the URL’s have been filtered, I then sort the Referring Domains by largest to smallest which shows me the most linked to tweets. Here are some of those tweets which have over 1000 referring domains.

You can find out how many Referring Domains any tweet has by inputting it into Site Explorer.

Which account’s tweets had the most Referring Domains?

This interactive chart shows what Twitter account’s tweets had the most Referring Domains. This data only shows accounts which have had two different tweets with over 1000 Referring Domains.

[infogram id=”8417287a-d340-4d56-bace-68a352405b53″ prefix=”SdH” format=”interactive” title=”Which accounts tweets had the most referring domains?”]

It’s no surprise to see that President Donald Trump dominates the chart with over 180 tweets whilst his predecessor Barack Obama and CEO of Tesla, Elon Musk are the closest near him. Whether he’s talking about North Korea or natural disasters, Trump’s tweets are always talked about. However, what particular topics are covering him? Is it just the media or is it a mixture of topics?

What types of websites are linking to Trump’s tweets?

The below graphic shows the different categories of websites what are linking to Trump’s tweet about CNN.

As you can see, it is fairly spread across numerous topics but appears frequently in the Society topic. By switching to the Referring Domains topic, you can see what websites with high Trust Flow scores have been linking to it and how many times they have linked to it.

So the next time you see a popular or even controversial tweet, make sure to put it into Site Explorer and see how many Referring Domains it has. In the next part of this content series, I will look at how to find out the most linked to hashtags on Twitter in the last 90 days.

David Kenning


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  • William Geross

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    October 29, 2017 at 7:26 am

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